
Narcissus’ discipline

May 21, 2016

What you’re looking for is looking for you. The statement was read on Facebook, the inexhaustible lake where modern times began. Several truths overlap here. We search, we search for ourselves, we hope to be found so that we can finally find each other as if the inner journey had to pass through another soul.

I asked myself the question. What am I looking for? A second me? A lake? What will I find? What am I supposed to find out? Doesn’t our road provide a landscape plunged into darkness and ignorance?

There are so few certainties. Everything is reinvented when you take a look at it. That is why the other is so important, this is how the constantly renewed dawn of knowledge unfolds. Your eyes are my mirror, my eyes prevent you from piercing my depth and send you back to yours. When we touch each other, we must close our eyes and keep silent, when we speak, we must stop touching each other and run to the ears anxiously looking for a drug to satisfy, love or die-love for a spark.

The other of course, the one from whom, for a few millennia, we have been drawing our desires, let us pray it/him/her. This Other, this God, this Death, this Shiva, Nataraja, what else? Let us pray in this direction, where we will return after dancing, singing, enjoying his/its/her name, in the arms of fireflies, pale copies just as religious as us, just as disciplined or stubborn to recreate the face of our amazement.