
Of the necessity to kill

November 1, 2012

Every day we eat will have been preceded by a death. This reality is not the characteristic of humanity, but that of the living... For millions of years, the wheel of life has inevitably plunged its blades into the holy and mortuary water of necessity.

Not wanting to eat so as not to kill is suicide, and no one succeeds. Sooner or later, whether it is necessary to pull out a plant or break a sheep’s neck, the hungry body becomes numb and bites into the death of the other. Nature wants it this way, and Man is bowing down.

It will be said that the nobility of this race was to make this act sacred for a time. It is also noted that rituals appeared to calm the contradictions of the gesture. One could even say that, by killing, the vain prayers of redemption were no longer recognized. We forget that we have to keep killing. We lose ourselves in philosophies, we garner a delicate humanism, we try to soften this daily contact with the Great Grim Reaper.

Vegetarians will say they are less of an executioner. What do they know about it? For all we know, they are even more hypocritical than those who observe, their lips wet with appetite, the row of corpses spread out in the butcher shops.

Make no mistake about it. Death is necessary. It is required to give it back its letters of nobility instead of running away from it and lying to itself, to dare to believe that our soul will not be used as a mouthful on the next side of history.

We are no different from animals. May this make us respectful and frugal in our murders.