
Sweet pandemic

May 10, 2020

I hardly ever go out and have never been so connected to the outside world through virtual channels. I am one of those privileged people who can continue to work as the Thing outside feeds on those who have difficulty defending themselves. This remains almost unreal for me, hypothetical. I have bought an ergonomic chair, a keyboard, a mouse. I receive my salary every two weeks as if the danger passes over my head.

Of course, everything has changed. I have to go grocery shopping, surrounded by people who are increasingly frightened, distant, and docile. But the grocery store shelves are still full. Amazon takes care of the rest. My best friend, who lives downstairs with his husband, does most of the essential shopping for both floors. We aim to be a community, so to speak, at the very least as food is concerned.

The food is good, the wine is good. I valiantly do my twenty minutes of elliptical listening to Brazilian miniseries that are not always interesting. It helps me to get used to this language that, if the trend continues, I will never go to practice in Brazil. I’m slowly losing my stomach, my abs are becoming more refined, I work maybe a little too much, I fall asleep quickly, my sleep is often restless, and I have started to feel heartburn again. Perhaps I would have experienced this if it weren’t for the pandemic. Getting old is a bit like that, isn’t it?

We are living in a new era, some say, and it won’t be the astrologers who will contradict me. In fact, we’re having a field day with the astrologers. The New York Times predicted the end of astrology just because astrologers couldn’t predict it. This is, first of all, false. André Barbeault, in 1992, even wrote it in a book...

Which are the most ignorant, I ask you? There are fools everywhere, even among scholars and especially among the self-righteous.

I don’t think humanity will change. It has recovered from so many wars and diseases. One day it too will die out no matter what the good Lord says. The hope is that the universe will continue to run its course. After all, we know so little about anything. Our present time is just a hot soup in a cauldron of possibilities.