
We will have walked on Earth

December 24, 2011

We’ll have a white veil in Montreal for Christmas. It will have been a cold night, but it is getting milder. In a few hours, I will return to the tradition of the midnight mass, which is no longer midnight because it is too late to pray to the good God at this hour.

I’ve never had the fiber of the scheduled events, and it doesn’t get better (or worse, depending on) over time. Christmas is for me the time when my clients go on vacation, leaving me with work to do while they are away. The end of the year is also the time to see how much I will have to pay in taxes and wonder if I shouldn’t make some kind of expense for the "office."

The holidays mark the passing of time, and it is time to wish us all the best on Earth. What would happen if, daily, we wanted each other the same? What if, over time, our "hello" and "good evening," "goodnight" were formulated with enthusiasm, even with spirituality?

What if life, our trace, became the renewed priesthood of finding our happiness and that of others?

Wouldn’t we need Christmas or New Year’s Day to remind ourselves of that? Maybe not. After all, every opportunity is good to have a drink...