
That the dream prevails

October 19, 2021

That the dream prevails, that’s all I can say with my days getting shorter, my memory getting longer, and my certainties evaporating while making circles in the water of I don’t know what.

My ignorance gives me wings. It allows me to run far without losing my breath. It gives me the freedom to impose some desires on my reality, to think from left to right, from bottom to top, to follow the stars of my birth chart while listening to the logic of the great scholars who speak higher than I do.

There is an amusing technique in astrology that consists in following the lines of one’s astral chart on the globe. There, on the line of Venus, one can find love; elsewhere, following the border drawn by Jupiter, one could blossom. At the crossroads of specific horizons, we could see the answers to our lives.

This is how my ignorance, my amusement, my madness lead me to Banda, in India, where Pluto and Jupiter intersect. It seems that I would find growth, happiness, peace there. Should I leave everything to go and meet my truth?

Let the dream prevail, and my wings go there at once. I imagine that I no longer work; my soul sits on the ramparts of Fort Kalinjar, on the side of the mountain, doing nothing, knowing nothing, being only me, nothing, and everything at the same time.

They say that paradox is the solution to all suffering. I don’t know, and I am too tired to go any further than my bed. Perhaps there is an India in my dreams; perhaps I am here and there since everything up there is like everything down there. What is in the West is probably the opposite of what is happening in the East.

Where can I drink the elixir of knowledge? From the water of my silences or through the abyss of your eyes?